The Physicians Injury Clinic
The Physicians Injury Clinic
Your Physician's Injury Clinic
Wound Care Services
Your Physician's Clinic
Wound Care Services
Your Physician's Clinic
Wound Care Services
When you suffer a wound such as a cut or burn, a wound care evaluation may be recommended. Having your wounds cared for by an experienced care team can bring peace of mind and enhance your well-being. Call your Physician’s Injury Clinic today for an appointment to address your wound care needs.

Types of Minor Wounds Cared for by Physician’s Injury Clinic

  • Lacerations – Lacerations are considered cuts or tears that have cut through the fatty tissue layer. Wound care for these injuries depends on the depth and length of the cut.

  • Abrasions – Wounds such as scratches or scrapes are considered abrasions. These wounds impact the skin’s surface layer and are not usually deep.

  • Burns – Carpet burns to accidents in the kitchen can cause burns to the skin’s surface. Minor burns are considered first-degree burns.

  • Bruises – Bruises are signs of bleeding under the skin. Evaluation and care may be provided by your care team to ease swelling and pain.

Available Treatments For Wound Care in Edinburg


For wound care, disinfectants may be applied to the cut or scratch. Disinfectants can vary in treatment from alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The object of disinfectants is to thorougly cleanse the cut or scrape to avoid infections


Pregnancy causes the body to undergo all sorts of changes, and one of the more unfortunate effects that accompanies many pregnancies is morning sickness. IV infusion therapy can help relieve the discomfort of morning sickness by replenishing your body.


Dressings provide an extra layer of protection, allowing the wound to heal. This protects the wound from infection and further tearing of the skin. Dressings can also include some form of antibiotic treatment to assist in the healing process.

Burn Care

Water-based treatments or burn creams may be given to care for burn injuries. The goal with these is to stop the burning as soon as possible. Further wound care for burns includes keeping the body from dehydration or infections.


The wound you are being see for may be considered a major wound, needs further evaluation, or needs further followw-ups by a specialist, The care team at the Physcician's Injury Clinic will be able to give you a referral for further care.

Physician’s Injury Clinic in Edinburg can check your wound out carefully and efficiently. Have your wound addressed in under half an hour and get back to the life you love.

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